Alexander Felice

Alexander Felice

Multifamily #1 An in depth review looking back

First, never would I have thought I could pull this

The Creature from Jekyll Island

This book is about the Federal Reserve. It discusses the

My favorite books to date (2020 edition)

Here is my definitely must read list I put out

The Coddling of the American Mind, a review

The Coddling of the American Mind,Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan

Reviewing a closing disclosure

What is a closing disclosure? A closing disclosure is a

I guarantee you're making friends the wrong way

Stop making friends by proximity Around the year ~2000 the

Delayed finance rules, FAQ, and use MY lender

I'm going to set your lending strategy on

Rental #7 A test of patience

Patience is not my strong suit. Trust!  I had this

3 rules for new investors to know when buying real estate

RULE #2 You make money when you buy There is

Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: What I Learned

At the time of writing, this is the longest book